Sufi Dhikr / Zikr (remembrance of God) is a part of Chechnyan culture and it is an older custom which is related to war training : Synchronization, agility, fitness and hype. The chanting vocal sample sings, mostly a Hadra “Laa Ilaaha IllAllah” : There is no God but Allah, mixed with 4 to the floor and claps. With bpm ranging from 110-120 it very much resembles a modern House record.

4 different audio samples were gathered from 20 language groups,

  • Instrumental of a folk song on an original instrument
  • Lyrics sang by native speaker
  • Lyrics recitated by native speaker
  • Song meaning explained in original language by native speaker

The crunched data suggest that globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech.
This also proves (my interpretation) that music has evolved in humans in the same way, regardless of cultural differences, and that individual perception of music is rooted to a time before birth.